
Delivery Terms

General Terms

Date Of Delivery:

Once the order has been placed, Chattels & More will provide you with an estimated date of delivery. We will strive to deliver your order on or near the estimated date provided. Please note this date is for guidance only and is subject to change. We will contact you to book a date for delivery using the details that you provide. The estimated delivery time is 3 to 5 working days, depending on the delivery location.

Complete Orders:

We will always attempt to deliver an order to you and if required, assemble the products for you, in one visit. However, there may be times when different items arrive at our warehouse at different times, making it difficult to send out a complete order. Please check your delivery note to see if any of your items will be arriving separately.

Delivery Cost:

Delivery is free for orders above AED 400, while a charge of AED 75 applies to orders below this amount. A minimum order value of AED 5,000 is required for home delivery in some areas.


You can track the location of your order online using a unique order tracking link that is sent to you via email. This link is available on the dispatch email that is sent after you receive your order confirmation. We will arrange a suitable delivery time for larger orders that require white glove delivery.

Separate Visits:

Should you request that the products be delivered and/or assembled in multiple visits (for example, you request that some products are delivered this week and others to be delivered next week), the delivery charge will be applied separately for each visit.

Inspection Of Products:

Chattels & More utilizes highly specialized quality controls to ensure the product is up to our standards when we deliver it to you. However, we encourage you to check the product for damages as soon as we make the delivery. In case you receive a damaged product, please bring it to the notice of the delivery personnel immediately. In case you notice an issue later, please reach out to our customer support team by sending us an email or call us at +971 4 609 7530 Check our Refunds and Exchanges policy for full details.

Availability For Delivery:

If you are unavailable to collect your delivery, please call our customer support team +971 4 609 7530 to schedule a delivery date and time that's convenient for you. Should we be unable to deliver due to any restrictions or through no fault of our own, or should you cancel your delivery less than 24 hours before the scheduled time or no one is home when our team arrives, a redelivery charge will apply.


Installation Services:

We offer white glove delivery, which is the most premium service for a Chattels & More delivery. Delivery to your room of choice, careful positioning and installation, and removal of any packaging is usually included.

Access For Delivery:

Upon booking the delivery, you must inform us of any restrictions at the delivery address. Due to building regulations, we are unable to hang any lighting or wall-mount any product.

It is your responsibility to ensure proper access for the delivery and installation (whenever required) of the order. It is also your responsibility to fully measure all passageways, doors, hallways, lifts, and to ensure that the delivery team has sufficient access to fully unpack and assemble the order (whenever required).

Delivery from floor one and above shall be completed using service/ goods elevators. It is your responsibility to check dimensions and to book use of these elevators in advance of the delivery. If any issues arise it is also your responsibility to inform Chattels & More at the appropriate time and to make alternate delivery arrangements.

Contact Information

Chattels & More welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Policy:

+971 4 609 7530


Product Name : Moonlight and mirror- Giorgio Collection

Product SKU : 17DERN0047

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